15110316 1809784485944419 2057365021595149095 oThis output is led by the Irish organizations, Future in Perspective Limited, and involves all organizations in the IMAS project consortium.

The eLearning platform is located in Moodle and consists of two different activities, the implementation of the platform, and the deployment of the results of the project.

Implementation of the platform

This activity consists of a Moodle implementation set up for the project by Jaitek (the other Spanish partner) and tested by all partners at the beginning of the project. This was to be sure that all the participants had the require permission in the platform depending on the role.

This platform is configured and secured, and the interface is adapted to follow the graphical designed decided in the project and cover all the requirements of the EU for the funded projects.

Deployment of the results of the project

All the developments of the projects will be integrated in the learning platform, and in most of the cases also in the website. This way, it will be ensuring that all the outcomes are available to everybody using a Creative Commons Licence.

This includes the statistical system and the gathering data, together with all the resources, both the ones created by the partners and those external in the repository. Finally, all the courses related with suing active methodologies and guiding teachers to new pedagogies will be also available in the platform.



eLearning Platform

eLearning Platform