IMAS Meetings

1st Meeting: “Kick Off” in Málaga (ES)

The kick-off meeting of IMAS Project was held past november 7th and 8th, 2019, in Málaga (Spain). Representatives from the partnership membres from The Netherlands, Belgium, Cyprus, Ireland and Spain attended the meeting. During two days, partners debated about the project scope and the distribution of project tasks. A joint review of the workplan was agreed.



2nd Meeting: online

Because of the current situation in the world, we had to meet online this time. Nevertheless the meeting was successful as all before. Representatives from the partnership membres from The Netherlands, Belgium, Cyprus, Ireland and Spain attended the meeting. Partners discussed the possibilities about how to adapt project activities in order to reach project objectives.




3rd Meeting: online

The videoconference began with the welcome of the coordination of the Project, it was developed September 11th, 2020. The representatives of the different partners discussed about the progress of the project once it has gone online.


4th Meeting: online

Due to the evolution of COVID-19, meetings continue to be held online. The videoconference began with the welcome of the coordination of the Project, it was developed December 15th, 2020. The representatives of the different partners discussed about the progress of the project once it has gone online.


5th Meeting: online

We continue to hold meetings online, due to COVID-19. The videoconference began with the welcome of the coordination of the Project, it was developed February 9th, 2021. The representatives of the different partners discussed about the progress of the project once it has gone online.