IMAS Results


15110316 1809784485944419 2057365021595149095 oThis output is led by one of the Spanish organisations, Jaitek, and involves all organisations in the IMAS project consortium.

The IO3 consist of different activities, a repository with existing online resources about mathematics subjects; and the creation of resources by each of the project partners.

Repository with existing resources

This output consists on different activities. First of all, each partner has been searching for 100 onlien resources, covering all the areas decided in the taxonomy, and categorized using all the metadata of it. These resources are avalaible in the project repository in all partner languages.

All these resources will be made available in the eLearning platform, and also could be find on the website. This activity will allow to have recommendations on the GPS service to be created almost from the beginning of the BLT, and use the needs detected in the tests to select the list of resources to be created by the project.

Creation of Resources

Then, during the second phase, different resources will be created by the project partners. These resources will be included in the in-service (IO4) and recommended in the GPS service. Each partner has been developing at least five resource in their own language and in English, and also translated at least 10 resources from other partners. These resources will not have a longer duration than 15 minutes, including self-evaluation.