IMAS Results


15110316 1809784485944419 2057365021595149095 oThis output is led by the Belgian organisations, Arteveldehogeschool, and involves all organisations in the IMAS project consortium.

The main results of this output will be split in two different activities: the GPS system for maths teachers, and the in-service training program for maths teachers.

Teachers GPS service for Maths Learning

This output consists of a concrete and detailed GPS report with averages of students' grades. Based on these grades, a recommendation is made for resources that can be used with them in specific areas.

A web A web service to guide teachers on how to focus training for concrete classes, with recommendation of resources linked with the results of the baseline tests of their students.

In Service e-training programs for Maths Teachers

This activity This activity of the IO4 is implemented in the project e-learning platform, Moodle, where several courses dealing with possible methodologies to be used forma mths teaching are included. These courses are in general short, no more than one hour, so that they can be done and finished in one try. Besides, there is a support system, where teachers could ask for concrete questions related with their practice.


The courses of the in-service training are the following:

  • Women in mathematics
  • Flipped classroom
  • Online tools for teaching maths
  • Gamification through breakouts